We would like to update you on our current status at church. We are open and have been meeting in person for Worship on Sunday mornings. We have been having between 25 and 35 attendees and look forward to when everyone can return. We had been slowly relaxing some of the recommended COVID guidelines over the summer however we are currently having a burst of positive cases and exposures in the local church community and the wider community at large. Because of this increase and they are in some of our local churches we have decided that we need to make some temporary changes while hopefully allowing us to continue to meet in person.
We are going to postpone the weekly community groups and Bible studies for the time being. Additionally, we are canceling the children’s classes on Sundays and we invite all of the children to join us in participating in the regular Sunday worship gathering.
We encourage those who are unvaccinated (kids under 12 and other unvaccinated adults) to wear masks during the Sunday gathering, and we understand that even those who have been vaccinated may decide to wear them as well. Hopefully, this will be short-lived and we will resume the normal schedule in the coming weeks. Obviously, the pandemic is not over, and we encourage you to be prepared to adapt in the coming months as we continue to be in a season that requires flexibility. We will update you as things change.
May our hearts remain humble as we strive to love one another well and worship King Jesus above all else. We miss and pray for all of you.
Pastors, Bob, BJ, Alan, Ted and Brad