What a year 2020 has been.
As the new year approaches we are excited to announce a new sermon series and church-wide goal for 2021: reading through and preaching from the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We would like you to join us and participate in the Bible Project’s Bible-reading plan that takes you through the whole Bible in one year. Each day there is one Psalm paired with the other readings so that at the end of the plan you will have read Psalms 2.5 times and the whole Bible from cover to cover. Furthermore, at the end of each week, the Sunday morning sermon will be derived from the weekly readings.
It has been hard to connect in 2020 given the radical changes that COVID brought, but we hope that no matter what happens in the coming year that that this will be a way to connect with God through his Word and a way to connect with each other by having our minds and hearts tethered to the same pages of Scripture. We live in a culture of competing truth-claims, misinformation, devices and applications competing for our attention, and if we do not plan to have our minds shaped by the Scriptures we will be shaped by everything else. Our hearts need to be won over afresh by God’s voice in his Book more than any of our favorite news pundits, politicians, philosophies, and, yes, even preachers.
If you have never read through the Bible in a year we encourage you to do so, and if you have read it countless times we hope you will take up the challenge again. Please print out the Bible Project’s reading plan (see below .pdf) so that you can begin to use it on January 1.
Our prayer is that God’s words will be the joy and delight of our hearts (Jeremiah 15:16) no matter what circumstances we face in the days to come. If God is for us and his Word is in us, who can be against us?us?