Dear Congregation,
I am looking forward to meeting in person to person worship. We will be doing this on Sunday, July 5 at 10 AM. The Elders have wrestled with how to reopen the live worship service while keeping the congregation safe from COVID 19. As we begin worshiping together again, we will be following the guidelines of the CDC, State of California and the Local County Health Department. We must balance the scriptural calls to continue to meet together for worship (as seen in Hebrews 10:25), to submit to governing authorities (Romans 13:1-5), to love their neighbors as themselves (Matthew 22:37-39) and to put the interests of others ahead of their own (Philippians 2:3-4). This biblical guidance is an aid for RCF as we cooperate with public officials who are working to stop the spread of this virus to save lives.
For those in our fellowship who because of health conditions will continue to stay home, we will continue to offer the worship service online through the RCF website and also on Facebook. You don’t have to come until it feels safe to come. If you are sick or not feeling well, please stay home.
Many have asked about communion. There will be individual communion packets containing both the bread and the juice just outside the sanctuary doors. Those wanting to partake of communion during the worship service may pick up the packet when going in for the service. We will not be taking an offering during the service. There will be designated offering trays where you may leave your tithes and offerings.
The enclosed COVID 19 Church Opening paper will help in preparing us for being back together on Sunday, July 5th.
Again, I am looking forward to being in worship together. These have been difficult times for all of us. In the midst of all this, I believe the Lord is with us, working in us individually and as congregations to be a witness for him in a fallen world.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Bob